Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Peanut Patch and other fun.......

Yesterday I visited the Peanut Patch, which has been in Yuma, Arizona for years.  Yuma used to be a big peanut farming area, until the white fly came in and destroyed the crops.  Now, the Peanut Patch imports their peanuts from Texas and Oklahoma.  They have all kinds of nuts, plain and with coatings, as well as dried fruits and other candy.  By the way, this is not an advertisement, it was just a fun place to join the tour to see how peanuts are grown and prepared.  Then we got to see the kitchens where peanut brittle was being made!

This is a piece of peanut brittle before being chopped up into smaller pieces for sale.  They make it in a huge copper pan and then pour it onto this marble slab that's about 3' x 5' and probably 6 inches thick.  It cools there quickly and then gets broken.  We also saw a huge pot of melted chocolate with peanuts being scooped onto sheets to harden up for candy.  As we left, we got samples of peanuts and fudge.  They also have ice cream -  cones or in a cup. 

As I left and headed home, I decided I should have more fun after lunch.  I almost never use my awning and decided I needed to clean it.  When I unrolled it, I could see that the dirt/mildew had gotten on various areas both on the top as well as the underside.  I had my bucket of soapy water and a soft brush on a telescoping handle that was just the right size for the job.  Doing the top part of the awning wasn't bad at all, but underneath, the water kept dripping on me and drooling down the handle of the brush and then down my arms.  Luckily, the weather here has turned warm.

So, now you know that RVing isn't all fun and games.  But I did spend some time in the pool and hot tub here this afternoon.  And then I had tamales delivered to my door by a Mexican man whose wife makes them - right in time for dinner.  Can't beat that!

1 comment:

  1. There is a really neat pecan store in northern Alabama which I cannot recall its name but I mdo remember the greating they called out to each customer when they entered: "Welcome to the NUT HOUSE!"
