Luna Lake Campground is in the Apache National Forest near Alpine, Arizona. It's a small lake at about 8,000 feet elevation. Since most people consider that summer is over, it's quiet here, only a handful of campers in what is actually quite a large campground.
The lake is quiet with only a few fishermen at the boat ramp. The rules say that boat motors can only be 10 horsepower or less.
The day after I got here was rainy all day and I noticed a few cows wandering around in my yard. For some reason they were very interested in the fire pit. As large as they are, if I go outside they're very skittish and run away. These animals eat nothing but grass, and they are fat! Makes me wonder about eating salads to lose weight!
When I was exploring around the baitshop and boat dock, I noticed this bird nest under the eaves. It looks like it's made of dried mud and lined with feathers. I'm pretty sure that it was empty since there was no chirping from inside or parent birds squawking at me.
This was sunset the first night I was here. It had been cloudy in the afternoon but it sure did provide a nice sunset.
This is how big my site was - you can see my truck off in the distance. It could easily fit two rigs - and it was level!
Off to the side of my rig beyond the fire pit and the picnic table was enough space and trees so that I couldn't see any other campsites beyond the trees. This is by far the most spacious National Forest Campground I've been in. Below are a couple of shots taken around the area.