Arizona is not the only place that Wigwam Motels were built. There are only a couple left, and the one here in Holbrook looks like it's been doing fine. Old cars are scattered around the lot, but leave space for their customers' vehicles. There were enough customers that the new cars ruined the ambiance for my photos! One of the rooms was being cleaned for the next guests and I asked if I could stick my head in to check it out. It was quite nice inside - 2 double beds with a few pieces of furniture, the bathroom in the back. It looks bigger inside than I had imagined. So, as far as tourist spots, this one gets my vote.
Back when Route 66 was a big deal, it seems like life was much simpler back then. After all, how can you account for all the huge statues of dinosaurs? They were in this area way back when, certainly. But, how many towns have multiple statues of their ancient extinct animals?

Of course, this little town has its share of old, unused gas stations and motels, it seems standard for old Route 66 towns.
This gas station seems to have been nicely restored and still in business as a motorcycle shop.
So far, my favorite Route 66 town remains Tucumcari in New Mexico. They seemed to have an abundance of old vehicles, abandoned motels and other relics. Check out my slide show of Tucumcari at